Friday, September 19, 2008

Shopping High...

To anyone who still checks this blog that I hardly update....thank you.

For the first time, in a LONG time, I went shopping. Not just regular, everyday, grocery shopping; or run down to the mall for one thing shopping; this was good, ol, wonderful shopping. I feel like I need to blog about the experience because it caused such a high I almost couldn't stand it.

Let me preface by saying that my brother-in-law and my cousin are getting married next weekend. I swear it is totally legit - nothing blood related between them! Anyhoo, my husband, Phebe, is the best man and will look so cute in his tux. I ordered pants from Old Navy for the boys to wear along with their white button up oxford shirts they've had forever. Everyone is all set - except for me!

Last fall when I quit my job at CMH, I went thru my closet and gave all my work/dressy clothes to Goodwill. I do not donate them to Browse-n-Buy because my mom usually buys them back for me. Anyhoo, I want to look nice for the wedding, hoping we can get a nice family shot taken by the wonderfully talented photographers (yeah, Denny & Suzanne of Solid Rock Photos).

So, the bachelor party is tonight (actually going on as I type) in our garage. My boys are spending the night at mamaw & papa ye ye's house (God bless them). I had the whole evening to myself to conjure up some wonderful memories by going to my favorite place - Belden Village (not Westfield Shopping Center....please).

I flew up I-77, my favorite road, and stopped at the Avenue store beside Target. The Avenue is geared for fluffy girls (thanks Adair & Susan for that term). The sales people were rude, did not greet me or acknowledge my presence. There was no one else in the store! I tried on a few things and left, definitely not impressed.

I traveled across the street to Lane Bryant, my old faithful, and hit the jackpot! Oddly enough, there were 3 other woman who were shopping for an outfit for a wedding next week. I felt so good finding clothes that fit, taking my time, and of course, getting to buy all this stuff for me!! I know that's so selfish, but today I didn't care. It honestly felt so good!!

Next I ventured through the mall - one of my favorite pastimes. I remembered the smell and missed it. Yes, the mall has a small and I love it! I felt energized and almost hypnotized by the whole experience.

I finished off the night stopping at Target, of course, and then I hit the wall. Physically. I felt like I couldn't move another inch. I worked earlier in the day and had already been to Aldi's and Walmart. I think my shopping finally got to me.

So, as I drove home on lovely I-77, I remembered that Kohl's is open later. I stopped in to look for shoes, which I found, which they did not have in my size (I'm looking online for them right now).

Long story short, today rocked!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A New Hero...

Dear Mr. Clean Magic Eraser,

Thank you for being the tool that "erased" the black crayon off my living room walls!


A Mom

Monday, June 9, 2008


I think I finally know the definition of "weary". I looked it up in the dictionary - it means, "physically or mentally exhausted, tired, fatigued". I'm experiencing it now...

If you've kept in touch with us, you know that Simmy has been in and out of the hospital several times, has had many ER visits, and is dealing with a milk allergy. We've all had the flu, sinus infections, ear infections, etc. I finally got my gallbladder out. But tonight was the icing on the cake.

Rocky had a fever seizure - he was totally unresponsive and burning up. Oddly he was perfectly fine this morning. I've never been so scared in my life. I was holding him in my arms watching him breathe and asking God to heal him. My dad and I rushed him to the ER and his fever was 104.7. Long story short, we're home now and he's sleeping...

The word "weary" just kept popping up in my head while we were at the hospital and after we got home. I found the verse that I'm hoping comes into fruition - Matthew 11:28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest".

Has anyone else ever felt like this? Would love to hear from you.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Rhonda visiting, Laura's birthday parties....

We've got some weird irony going on... just hang with me.

February 9th, I was rushed to the emergency room with the most excruciating pain... ended up I had an ovarian torsion (twisted ovary). Whatever. They kept me overnight for possible surgery the next day... which was a Sunday. However, it ended up fixing itself so I did not need surgery. Bizarre, weird, and crazy....

This past weekend, we rushed Simmy to the hospital after he woke up barely being able to breath. He had started the week with 2 ear infections and a sinus infection. The first medication didn't work and we just started the 2nd antibiotic on Friday. They drew blood, took x-rays, did a breathing treatment and told us he had pneumonia and needed to be admitted to the hospital. He was released Monday morning..... and doing much better! Again, bizarre, weird, and crazy...

Here's the irony - each incident occurred on the weekend that a.) Rhonda was coming up from Virginia to sing and I would get to sing with her; and b.) Phebe's cousin Laura was having a birthday party for her girls. First was Emilee's, then Lexie's.

So, if those 2 events happen to combine on the same weekend again, I'm afraid for Phebe & Rocky!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What do I actually get done in a day?

I'd have to say that I'm a dreamer - all these ideals in my head of how life is supposed to work according to my plans. Well, plans change...

When I quit my job in August, I thought I'd have all this free time to "get stuff done". Stuff being - filing, cleaning, catching up with friends, pedicures, facials, exercise, organizing closets, cleaning cupboards, etc. What I've realized is that most days are just about survival - the boys not killing each other, the house still basically in one piece, and everybody pretty much fed with most of the food groups. I knew it would be hard work, but I didn't realize every waking minute would be focused on my boys - who (or whom) I love with all my heart.

I read an article the other day that said many moms wake up with a giant "to-do" list, as do I. Once the day starts rolling and we are not checking things off the list, we start to get discouraged and depressed. Bingo! The writer suggested lower our standards for the day. She said we should be happy that the kids get fed and are somewhat clean. That is an accomplished day. That made so much sense to me...

So, both boys have gone to the doctor, both have ear and sinus infections, and both are on antibiotics. They don't eat much and just want to snuggle with me on the couch. Is my house a mess? Yes. Is it worth it? Definitely. Many moms have passed this bit of wisdom on to me: "your children are only small for such a short period of time. soak it up because before you know it, they will be grown and out of the house. you'll never get this time back."

Good deal.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Can't sleep...

You know how you're so tired and can't sleep? I took a nap today with Rocky (which I loved), but now I am wide awake at 1 in the morning.

There's been so much going on lately...Simmy turned 1, we all had the flu, the boys got sick a month later, Phebe's back on midnights, and so on. Having said all that, we are truly blessed. I can't complain one bit.

So, hopefully, spring is right around the corner and the snow will melt for good. It's time for walks outside, fresh air, and leaves back on the trees...

Happy spring!

Friday, January 18, 2008


It's Friday morning, 7:00am, and I've been up for an hour and a half. Just wide awake, nothing major. I've got laundry going, checked my email and news websites, and read a magazine. During my Internet surfing routine, I always check the classified ads on Local site, good finds. Anyhoo, I saw a 75 gallon aquarium for sale and instantly thought of Alli - the girl who used to watch Rocky over a year ago. She had a giant aquarium with beautiful salt water fish...

As she flashed into my mind, I couldn't believe that I have not run into her anywhere or seen her since she last watched Rocky. Then I thought about my old boss Pat - same thing! I quit my job in August and the only time I saw her was when I stopped into the office with the boys to visit. Then it struck me...

Is our town really that big?

I always tease Phebe when he calls Phila "little Cleveland". Maybe he's right? I always thought I lived in a small town, but oddly enough, I don't see the same faces when I go to Walmart or the mall.
